新! 皇冠博彩+平等交换自有品牌咖啡

Like many of you, we take coffee personally at 斯卡吉特谷食品皇冠博彩. 经过20多年的室内烘焙咖啡, we’re pleased to introduce our new private-label partnership with Equal Exchange! This relationship allows us to off you a bulk coffee option that’s fairly traded, 像我们一样是皇冠博彩所有的!),还有一杯非常美味的茶. +, Equal Exchange is located just a hop-skip down the I-5 corridor in Portl和, 俄勒冈州, 保持足迹小,味道新鲜!

If you’ve been around the Co-op for a while, you might already be familiar with Equal Exchange. 你可能不熟悉的东西, 虽然, 他们的目标是建立一个更好的食品系统吗, in cooperation with their long-term trade partners 和 retail collaborators, 包括像我们这样的皇冠网址.


创始人溜冰场, 乔纳森, 和 Michael started Equal Exchange with an idea: what if food could be traded in a way that is honest 和 fair, 这是一种同时赋予农民和消费者权力的方式?

After taking a big risk by importing fairly traded coffee from Nicaragua in 1986, the founders were able to solidify a relationship with farmers in Latin America, 剩下的就是历史了.

Equal Exchange's mission is to build long-term trade partnerships that are economically just 和 environmentally sound. They achieve this through sourcing ingredients from small farmer or artisan cooperatives, 提供高于常规市场价格, prohibiting the use of more dangerous pesticides 和 herbicides, 和更多的. 现在, Equal Exchange不仅专注于公平贸易咖啡, 还有巧克力, 干果, 坚果, 茶, 甚至奶酪.

为什么是Equal Exchange咖啡?

但首先,咖啡. You might wonder why we’re no longer roasting coffee here at the Co-op. 比如我们决定与 奥林匹亚咖啡烘焙店 在我们的熟食店, the Equal Exchange relationship sustains our longst和ing mission to provide good food (和 coffee) at a good price.

The Co-op began roasting its own coffee in the late 90s as the popularity of coffee surged, to fill a very important need: a delicious cup of coffee that was also ethically 和 sustainably sourced. 意式浓缩咖啡摊并不总是流行的, 和 sourcing Fair Trade organic shade-grown coffee beans was a rarity. So, the Co-op began sourcing coffee beans that adhered to our buying guidelines 和 aligned with our principles of treating people 和 planet fairly.

Now, we are transitioning for several reasons, but the simple fact is, the Co-op is not a roastery. We set out to roast coffee because finding Fair-Trade organic coffee was hard to do; it is much more common now. Our tiny little roaster isn’t equipped for the volume we need to produce for our customers – you certainly do love your coffee! Our space is also limited, for roasting 和 for storing beans. 皇冠网址的仓储情况一直很棘手, 随着店铺的不断壮大, we’re running out of room to store the appropriate amount of coffee beans we need to have on h和.

还有一些内部限制, shipping costs for a large load of green beans have sky rocketed. The ripple effect of the p和emic 和 political unrest in coffee-growing regions continue to impact supply chains across the globe, 包括咖啡. So, 我们所依赖的公平贸易有机咖啡豆, 是不幸的, not as reliable we need them to be to continue to serve you a consistently good (和 fair) cup of coffee day in 和 day out.

就像很久以前寻找好豆子一样, 我们花时间研究, 面试, 讨论, 和, 当然, 品尝来自该地区烘焙商的咖啡豆. 虽然这个地区有几家优质的咖啡公司, 都有不同的专业领域, 但经过大量的尽职调查, we decided to build on our existing relationship with Equal Exchange. EE has been a staple in our Co-op for years, 和 their values align directly with ours.


他还领导了公平贸易运动, Equal Exchange is also a worker-owned co-operative that’s over 130 worker-owners strong! In an act of Cooperation Amongst Cooperatives (Co-op Principle 6), Equal Exchange is able to provide us with a reliable source of beans that are fairly priced. 皇冠博彩皇冠博彩的定价仅为10美元.99/lb, 你会得到一个平易近人的人, 负担得起的, 一杯美味的咖啡,你会感觉很好啜饮, knowing you’re supporting farmers who are getting paid a fair wage for their work 和 communities that benefit both socially 和 economically through the Equal Exchange model.


太平洋西北地区, 我们喜欢黑暗, 浓郁的咖啡风味, which makes Portl和-based Equal Exchange the perfect fit for our new roasts. Together, we h和picked new specialty roasts to enrich your coffee routine. 和, 如果你不介意烤肉的话, 根据你最喜欢的斯卡吉特风格的名字来选择烤肉, 完全可以接受, 太.


A nod to the iconic smoke stack that welcomes visitors far 和 wide to Downtown Mount Vernon, 我们的郁金香堆栈是埃塞俄比亚单一产地的城市烤肉. 果香浓郁,有姜的味道, 香料, 和蓝莓, 这种中等大小的烤肉在倒出来的时候很特别, 和 especially lovely on a drive through Skagit during our famous flower festivals.


一种带有枫木味道的秘鲁咖啡, 葡萄, 和花, this single-origin roast celebrates our special slice of farml和 和 the h和s who tend it. 靠在轻中烤秤上, 这种咖啡多汁,色泽鲜亮, 就像斯卡吉特山谷农业的未来一样.


生长在尼加拉瓜, 这黑暗, French roast coffee is round 和 mellow with tasting notes of dark chocolate, 红糖, 和苹果木. 如果你喜欢经典的PNW黑咖啡, 圣胡安岛舞会将成为你的新去处, especially if you’re headed out to our beloved San Juan archipelago.


以魔法斯卡吉特河命名, 这是我们神奇山谷的命脉, 这款墨西哥维也纳是一种深烤,口感浓郁, 奶油质地,带有黑巧克力的味道, 葡萄干, 和柑橘类. We recommend sipping on 里约热内卢Magico while soaking up the beauty of the Magic Skagit - it’s only fitting.


Imagine gently rocking on a porch swing overlooking your favorite scene, 手里拿着热咖啡, 写俳句:数音节, 迅速的涟漪,柔和的涟漪, 这是给你的. 一种法式深烘焙和中等烘焙的混合酒, 我们的苔藓花早晨是一个顺利的, 以舒缓的方式开始新的一天.


无咖啡因的? 不用担心. Baker Sunrise decaf features all the 浓郁的咖啡风味 you need to brighten your morning, 巧克力的味道, 奶油糖果, 还有红糖.


我们喜欢散装购物的灵活性! But saving money 和 getting exactly what you need are just a couple of the benefits. Purchasing bulk coffee is a great way to cut down on your personal packaging waste, 尤其是如果你自己带干净的来, 可重复使用的容器! 事实上, 如果每个美国人都批量购买咖啡豆的话, we would divert 260 million pounds of foil packaging from l和fills every year.

Buying bulk coffee lets you control the freshness 和 grind size of your beans. 你可以买全豆在家里磨碎, or utilize the grinder in 散装 to get the perfect grind for your perfect cup, 你是否喜欢倒酒, 法国媒体, 或者老式的自动滴注.

话虽如此, 如果你是那种打包带走的人, you’ll find a wide selection of Equal Exchange ground coffee in the Co-op. All organic 和 all fair trade certified, choose from breakfast blend, French roast, Mind Body & Soul, Love Buzz,还有独家合作的Biorevolution.